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Boston Marathon Finish Line – Photo Credit Justin Ferguson |
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Boston Marathon Expo – Photo Credit Justin Ferguson |
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Inside the Boston Marathon Expo – Photo Credit Justin Ferguson |
The simplest words, Yes, Please, and Thank You
By: Justin Ferguson
Please and Thank You, arguably some of the first words most of us learn. These words are simple in their nature but extremely powerful. So, why are they sometimes abandoned?
The answer to that last question will forever be a mystery, one could surmise why this may be – being in a hurry, improper child rearing, lack of manners, or any number of other reasons. For each of us, it is our individual choice how we decide to communicate with our fellow human. None of us are ever perfect, as perfection is simply a goal to strive for, but by choosing to try to reach perfection when it comes to please and thank you, we will make society a better place and we will live aSmarterWay.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary: “We use please to make a request more polite” and “We use expressions with thank you to respond to something politely and to show we are grateful for something“
We use please and thank you to be more polite in our dealings with others. However, by being more polite, people are more apt to respond favourably to your request of them. Therefore, the use of please and thank you have an absolute power to convince others to help you do something. Although, I think this is generally accepted as true, it can be even more the case when people are not used to being treated politely. This is something leaders must remember; it is easy to bark orders and in the Prince, Machiavelli teaches that it better to be feared than loved, specifically stating: “It may be answered that one should wish to be both, but, because it is difficult to unite them in one person, is much safer to be feared than loved, when, of the two, either must be dispensed with.”
The linkage to Machiavelli is not provided as a point of contention, nor is necessarily an endorsement of his teachings. However, it is used, as many prescribe either consciously or sub-consciously to this principle. What this teaching does not however say is that one cannot be polite in their dealings. Therefore, one does not need to bark orders to be feared but rather could be both feared and polite. In fact, it could be suggested that a leader who is polite and respectful will receive better cooperation from those they are trying to motivate. To take this a step-further, I will suggest a good leader does not need to motivate by fear at all because they will be self-aware to understand that they are in fact already feared. Therefore, allowing them to be loved, which may be how one can achieve both qualities Machiavelli describes.
However, back to the simplicity of saying please and thank you. I am often brought into help on a project where there is a disconnect between a leader(s) and their team, or simply the leadership team as a whole. One of the first things I notice, is there has been a breakdown in communication within the team and/or there has been a loss of respect, both of which can happen for all sorts of reasons. Although, there can be a lot of steps that need to be taken to get a project back on track, one of the first is to try to regain a level of decorum and re-open those communication channels. Often, it can easily start by simply being polite and genuinely saying those first words we learned – please and thank you!
If we all strive to be perfect when it comes to please and thank you, we will live aSmarterWay!
Justin Ferguson is the Principal of Cosmos Strategies, the Founder of aSmarterWay.life, an avid marathoner, a supporter of charities, including: Wake Up Narcolepsy and Sick Kids Hospital, and a believer that anything is possible.
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Justin Ferguson crossing the finish line in the 2015 Boston Marathon |
By: Justin Ferguson
I could probably do multiple posts on why I run marathons (and likely will), spanning many different reasons and never fully describe all the reasons I run them but below I will go into a few that spring to mind.
In an article by Chris Simon that ran in the Newmarket Era in the lead-up to the 2015 Boston Marathon, I am quoted as saying: “‘What keeps me going is signing up for the next race,’ he [Ferguson] said.” This still begs the questions, Why run?
Years ago when I started running, the reason was simple, to lose weight, and to be healthier, which was good enough for awhile but I am the type of person who wants to continuously set new goals and achieve them. When I heard a friend was able to complete a marathon, I set out to do the same, which I did, 4 months later. After-which I took a hiatus from marathoning until in 2012; I was re-inspired by the tales of another friend who had just finished her first one. That set the wheels in motion for my renewed love of marathon running.
Over the last couple of years I have trained for and ran four marathons (2013 Toronto Waterfront, 2014 Boston, 2014 Marine Corps, 2015 Boston), the last three for charity – twice for Wake Up Narcolepsy in conjunction with Sick Kids Hospital, and once for the Prostate Care Foundation. Being able to run for charity is certainly a key factor in why I run races today, to be able to support a cause, gives me the motivation I need on the days I don’t want to train, and certainly at those times during the race when I question why I am doing this.
Having the privilege to run marathons is just that, a privilege, we never know when our bodies will say enough is enough or perhaps we will get sick, or perhaps we will no longer be able to persevere through the gruelling training and the race itself. It is estimated that only about 0.5% [half a percentage] of the U.S. population runs a marathon in any given year, obviously everybody has their reasoning for doing or not doing one but to be part of that elite company is a privilege.
On top of these factors though, running marathons has taught me so much about myself including, how to persevere, set goals and achieve them, push my body past its limit, and how to overcome. These are elements that I am able to use in my daily life and for that I am thankful. However, most importantly it has confirmed my natural belief that anything is possible. For these reasons, I keep running marathons.
Further, running marathons has allowed me to see why studies find marathon runners make better CEOs; it teaches discipline, perseverance, goal setting, etc. Laura Entis of Entrepreneur.com wrote a story called: Marathon Runners Make Better CEOs, Study Finds. In the article Laura outlines how, “Companies helmed by marathon runners, the study found, were 5 percent more valuable than those led by non-“fit” executives even after controlling for CEO, firm and governance characteristics, past performance and firm fixed effects.”
By: Justin Ferguson
At a point in time we stopped being individuals in favour of fitting in or maybe it has always been that way dating back to the first existence of humankind. However, none of us are born that way, we did not wake up and say I want to be the same as everybody else, we morphed into that. Through societal rearing we were conditioned to believe this. We were conditioned to believe that we must fit in, that we cannot stand out.
Yes, it is easy to say that this just isn’t true, that constantly we are told to stand out, that of course we are each individuals, which at face value would be accurate. However, for one to say this, is simply not good enough or perhaps it is but not for me.
People must be encouraged to not be afraid to stand out, to feel free to sit however they choose, to wear what they want, to look how they want, to be an individual! It is not for each of us to decide, to judge a person on how they want to live, it is for us to only care about how we get along with that person. It remains our choice on how we view somebody else, the same as it is their choice how they want to present themselves but what it is not, it is not our choice to judge them. And, yes that could open a discussion on what is the definition of judgement but that is for a different post.
As children or in adulthood, people do things because they feel as though that is what others want, which they believe will lead to them being liked or promoted or whatever. However, this completely robs the world of that individual’s input, it robs people of actually knowing the true you. If we continue to shape people to fit in, we are robbing ourselves of possibly the next brilliant mind. Yes, some overcome and rise above but should we not be encouraging everybody to think for themselves?
Society has a role to play, it needs to teach right and wrong and give people the tools they need to survive physically and mentally but it does not have the role of standing in judgement when an individual wants to express themselves in a non-crimonious way.
By encouraging people from an early age to believe it is ok to not be part of the popular group, to not care how others view them, to stand out, we will shape society to be more accepting and we will build better leaders, who advance our reality beyond what is known today.
All of that is not to say that there are not people who already stand out, leaders who stand out, that take risks, and accept the consequences, there certainly are but for everyone of those people, there are many who don’t overcome the pressure society puts on them to fit in.
If each of us encourages people to not live in fear of judgement, to not be afraid of standing out, our world will exist in aSmarterWay. It is simple to achieve, all we have to change are our own perceptions and not care how others view things. By being a leader, others will follow.
As Dr. Seuss said: “Why fit in, when you were born to stand out?”
Justin Ferguson is the Principal of Cosmos Strategies, the Founder of aSmarterWay.life, an avid marathoner, a supporter of charities, including: Wake Up Narcolepsy and Sick Kids Hospital, and a believer that anything is possible.
By: Justin Ferguson
A smile, the simplest of gestures but one that some find so hard to complete. However, could you, just for a second, imagine a world where we smiled, where we smiled at the random people we meet on the street, or the people standing in line while we wait for our coffee? It is hard to imagine for many but think about it, think about the simple pleasure that comes from somebody seeming as though they care for your well being, even just for a second.
Now, think about the pleasure you receive from having somebody smile at you just for that second and ask yourself, can I receive pleasure from knowing that I am providing pleasure to others. When one thinks in this manner they should easily recognize that smiling at somebody else is a self-gratifying experience, which should be cause alone to simply smile at others and improve that other person’s life. That is the power of a smile, the ability to give one’s self pleasure, while potentially making the world of difference in somebody else’s life.
If each of us simply smiles at the people we meet, no matter what the situation, we have a chance to live aSmarterWay.
And, just in case you are not convinced, here is a post from Wikipedia on smiling: “A smile seems to have a favorable influence upon others and makes one likable and more approachable.”[3]
The power of a smile, never forget it and you can make the world of difference.
Justin Ferguson is the Principal of Cosmos Strategies, the Founder of aSmarterWay.life, an avid marathoner, a supporter of charities, including: Wake Up Narcolepsy and Sick Kids Hospital, and a believer that anything is possible.
On top of the euphoria that surrounded this year’s marathon, what made it that much more special for me was the fact that I was participating as one of 14 members of the Wake Up Narcolepsy team, a charity that works to raise funds and awareness in support of narcolepsy research and awareness across Canada and the United States. In Canada, Wake Up Narcolepsy is currently partnering with Sick Kids Hospital to help achieve these goals.
In the lead-up to the race I was able to meet with doctors and researchers who are working to raise awareness and find a cure for this debilitating neurological disorder. I was also able to meet with and receive support from children and families who have narcolepsy. Their stories were extremely touching and provided strength during moments of incredible pain on training runs and during the race.
Despite the advances that have been made in communication tools, too many people are unaware of what someone with narcolepsy suffers through; people do not understand that individuals who have narcolepsy have brain cells dying, that they cannot control when they sleep or when they are awake, and that every day is a struggle to maintain some form of normalcy in their lives. And, perhaps just as bad, very few actually understand that narcolepsy is an incurable medical condition and instead have negative perceptions of people suffering with narcolepsy or they think it is a joke. It is up to each of us to do our part to educate society, and particularly, our teachers, doctors and parents so they can recognize the signs, and lead children and young adults to a proper diagnosis. Although diagnosis itself will not alleviate all of the struggles an individual with narcolepsy may have, it allows for treatment and support to help them find this semblance of normalcy they seek.
I can say with absolute certainty that being able to raise money to help this charity, being able to cross the start line, being able to run the 42.2 kilometres and being able cross the finish line in Boston on the one year anniversary of the terrorist attacks will be memories that will last a lifetime.
Throughout race weekend there were countless moments I could share but I will try to provide some of the highlights. I have already mentioned the overwhelming feeling of honour and privilege I experienced as I stepped off the plane, but nothing compares to the emotions I felt as I walked up Boylston Street on the Thursday before the race, past the finish line, which was already erected and to the place of the bomb blasts the year before. Standing there, I looked around and felt an indescribable feeling overtake me; at that moment I decided I wasn’t going to “race” this run but ensure that no matter what, I soaked up the entire experience. As it turned out this sentiment was shared by a number of the runners I spoke with. This didn’t stop me from posting a personal best on the first half of the run, but it likely took a toll over the course of the entirety of the race.
Since the race I have constantly been asked, “What was it like?” I have yet to accurately describe it and I do not think I will ever be able to. What I can say is that it was the most amazing and euphoric experience of my life; the sheer emotion and the atmosphere that surrounded the festivities leading up to race was only surpassed by that of the race itself.
No matter where I went, or who I encountered, whether a race volunteer, a police officer, another runner or their family or friends, waitresses, drivers and so on, the moment I mentioned I was participating in the marathon there was a shared sense of absolute pride accompanied by support, encouragement and well wishes. This certainly was Boston Strong! And, I knew for certain that, yes indeed, We All Run Boston!
The second most frequent question I am asked is whether I was scared or nervous considering the attacks from the year before. Honestly, not for a moment. The race officials did a superb job of ensuring that we felt safe and secure. Beyond that, whether as a result of the police presence or the support in the crowd, we all knew that nobody was going to let something like that happen this time around. Not this time, not this year, not in Boston!
As for the race itself, there is nothing I can say that will ever do justice to the spectacle that is The Boston Marathon. As the race started in Hopkinton, I honestly thought there was something wrong with my headphones because I couldn’t hear the music coming out of them – there was nothing wrong – the cheers from the crowd simply overpowered them. This support never ceased. Children, men and women – young and old lined every mile of the course to do their part to show us support – it still brings a tear to the eye to think about the encouragement these people provided – I knew that this was much bigger then simply another race for them. This was a show of force. I knew that, if at any moment, I felt like I couldn’t go on, these people would lift me and carry me with their presence. As I ran, I broke many of my own rules and allowed myself to take it all in – giving high fives to children and men and women throughout the race and getting lost in the emotion. Did it hurt my time? Perhaps, but do I care? Absolutely not, it was simply remarkable to be able to participate. I will always have the memories of the crowds of supporters, including times where it felt like I was running for miles in a tunnel because people lined both sides of the street 20-30 deep, going wild in an effort to cheer all of us on.
As I came up to the end of the race I was labouring, dehydration had set in and it was a painful finish. I was certainly pushing my body to its limits; for the first time in my life (and many years of sports and running) I had legitimate “jello leg” on two strides and I thought I was going to collapse. However, there was no way that was going to happen. I channeled the support I received from my friends and family, from all the children and individuals who suffer from narcolepsy, and from the millions around the world who were supporting all of us participants.
Running down Boylston Street, coming up on that finish line and crossing it, I was filled with a sense of accomplishment, as I knew I had left it all out on the course. Despite being extremely dehydrated and in an enormous amount of pain I was left looking forward to the next one. This experience certainly left me wanting more!
Whether I have the privilege to run Boston again or whether it is another marathon, I will never forget the euphoria, the emotions and images of support that were present during this 118th running of the Boston Marathon. For that I am thankful to everybody who helped make this race so special!
Justin Ferguson is the Principal of Cosmos Strategies, the Founder of aSmarterWay.life, an avid marathoner, a supporter of charities, including: Wake Up Narcolepsy and Sick Kids Hospital, and a believer that anything is possible.
By: Justin Ferguson
Some question the importance of giving to charity, others give relentlessly, while others do what they can. There is no necessarily right or wrong answer to the question whether one should give or not but for me, I believe it is important to do what we can. This can take any shape or form and does not simply need to be monetary; many of us can also donate our time or our abilities.
What is amazing though, is how far the simplest of gestures can go to helping somebody else’s day be a little better. When you put it in this perspective and you break it down to this level, each of us has the ability to make a better world to live in. However, it remains our individualistic choice to do such.
Some argue there is a “moral obligation or moral duty” to give to charity. I do not follow this mantra; I give what I can because I believe it is the right thing to do, if another person doesn’t believe this, then that is their choice. They have their reasons for believing this, the same as I have for giving. I give because it makes me feel as though I am helping out, and it makes me feel good, not because I feel I have a responsibility to do so but because I want to do so.
And, as long as we remember this, we will want to give more. If we follow this mantra we will have given not because we “had to” but because we “wanted to” and giving because we want to will ensure we keep giving. By continuing to give, we will continue to make the world a better place.
One of the greatest philanthropists the world has ever seen – John D. Rockefeller once said: “Giving should be entered into in just the same way as investing. Giving is investing.” To continue on the idea from the previous paragraph – that we can make the world a better place by giving to charity, and couple this idea with Mr. Rockefeller’s thoughts, we begin to see that by giving to charity we are investing in making the world a better place. This also means that we must choose wisely how we donate our time, money, etc. We must accept that we cannot be everything to everybody but rather know that by doing what we can, we are contributing to making somebody’s life just a little bit better.
It always remains our individual choice to give or not. From this perspective even the anti-altruistic Ayn Rand would agree that giving to charity is ok. Because, from this perspective giving to charity is simply the choice of the individual and as long as it remains the choice of the individual for their own reasoning, not out of “moral duty”, the individual will find happiness. Rand in her own words said: “What I am fighting is the idea that charity is a moral duty and a primary virtue.” Therefore, she does not reject the idea of giving to charity, only the belief that one has to do so because of an obligation to the greater good.
No matter where one falls on the spectrum of why they give, there is no right or wrong answer as long as they are doing it for their own reasons.
If one decides to give or not, it is up to them, but for me I believe that by doing what we can, we can make the world a better place and to me this is a pretty awesome idea. The thought that the simplest of gestures can have an impact of this magnitude is one that credence must be paid to and why giving to charity is important.
By: Justin Ferguson
With the 5-2 decision by the Glendale city council, the NHL and the Coyotes need to take the hint that the sun has set on the experiment of hockey in the desert. Despite a few solid years, the Coyotes have never found their footing in Arizona and it is time to move on.
From the beginning the team has continuously had problems drawing fans, putting a winning team on the ice, and has been in what seems like a constant struggle to find a way to stay in a location that few want them in. This whole experience gives the NHL a black eye and somebody needs to know when to cut their losses.
Yes, it is unfortunate for the fans who follow the team but these things happen and teams need to move on. It must not be forgotten that NHL teams are businesses and they must operate as such. The idea that a government is paying a NHL team $15 million a year to “manage” the arena seems like a substantial amount for taxpayers to be subsidizing. The people of Glendale must be thinking that $15 million can be spent in better ways.
Any government has a responsibility to the taxpayer to be managing their money wisely. The fact that the Glendale city council voted decisively 5-2 to cancel this agreement speaks volumes to the point that they no longer felt this was a wise investment of tax money. With that, it is time for the Coyotes and the NHL to say goodbye to the idea of hockey in Arizona (at least for now) and find a better solution.
There are cities and communities that appear to be begging for NHL hockey, the league would be smart to feverishly explore these opportunities, move the Coyotes and get this franchise back on solid footing. Quebec City for example have had lobbyists approaching the NHL for years to move a franchise back there, perhaps this is the right time or perhaps another team in Ontario (outside of Toronto) is the answer. What doesn’t seem to be the answer is hockey in Arizona.
As for the city of Glendale, it is smart to be contemplating plans for the arena without the Coyotes, as the hockey experiment should be over.